
S. D. Saint | Interview

S. D. Saint

S. D. Saint

Ever since I was little I have loved good stories. My parents used to read me novels for bedtime stories, and I remember waiting with eager anticipation every night to find out what would happen next.

Then life got busy and my mom and dad couldn't read to me every night anymore, and I was stuck! Like a lot of kids my age I didn't like to read. It was hard putting together all those letters, and sounds, and words, but unlike most I was driven by a burning desire: to know what happens next!

So began my phase of hiding under my blanket with my flashlight, devouring every word of my latest adventure, praying my parents wouldn't find out I hadn't gone to sleep like I was supposed to. Through great authors like Lewis, Tolkien, and many others, I discovered entire worlds to explore, full of adventure, suspense, mystery, drama, humor, and food for thought.

Eventually, the seeds of all those great stories sprouted in the fertile garden of my young imagination, and grew into new stories. I wanted to craft my own worlds, not just explore the worlds of others.

Throughout my life I have found incredible delight from reading a good book, and now I want to pass on that pleasure to others. And while I don't claim to be writer who can stand among the legends I have grown to love, I do hope that you, my future readers, will find what I have found...

A grand adventure, in a whole other world...

-- Samuel D. Saint